The next AGM will be in April 2020. Date and time tbc.
Everyone welcome.
The Parish Hall stands on a parcel of land donated by Herbert Baker of Manor Farm, Kennerleigh, in 1936, to the original Trustees: Fred Webber, William Tucker and Herbert Lee. The Hall was erected by the Trustees and Members at their own expense for the use of the inhabitants of the village of Kennerleigh and the surrounding neighbourhood. Over succeeding years many residents have served as Trustees, each in their own way contributing to the maintenance, extension and improvement of facilities for the benefit of the community.
The current Trustees are:-
Margaret Baker – Acting Chairperson
David Simms - Treasurer
Ian Smith
Adrian Miller
Owen Lewis
NB: -
Margaret Baker (PCC) – Bookings Secretary
The Hall is available for hire, including the use of the kitchen and all facilities. Tables, chairs, crockery, etc. are also available for private hire. For availability and hire rates please contact Margaret Baker – 01363 866648
Weekly Events
Mondays 2.00 to 4.00pm Indoor Bowling
Thursdays 3.30 to 4.30pm Keep Fit
Monthly Events (Temporarily cancelled due to Covid-19)
Come and meet the neighbours at our Community Coffee Morning. Held the first Saturday of the month from 10.30am-12pm. Have a catch up over a tea or coffee with freshly baked treats also available. Entrance £1 per adult. Children free.
Screen for Hire
6' x 6' free standing projector screen for hire, either in the hall or to take elsewhere, £15 an evening. Please telephone 01363 866579